
“When His candle shined upon my head, and when by His light I walked through darkness;”
‭‭Job‬ ‭29:3‬ ‭KJV‬‬. There are times in our earthly lives that the way before us seems very dark. We go through times of suffering and sorrow, and the path we are on seems to have no light. We face social, political and economic uncertainty and it appears as if the future will bring more darkness. But what a blessing it is to know “By the Light of Christ we are able to walk through the darkness”! This is one of the great joys of God’s children. Though this world lies in darkness, yet we have the True Light living in our hearts! Though we pass through some long, dark valleys, yet, if Christ is abiding in us and we are abiding in Him, we have the promise that He will always shine His light upon our pathway. We may not know about the next mile, but He will always illuminate the next step we need to take. By God’s grace let us walk in His light.

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