“A bruised reed shall He not break, and smoking flax shall He not quench, till He send forth judgment unto victory.” Matthew 12:20 KJV. These words are describing the ministry of Jesus to weary, bruised and battered souls who have been crushed under the weight sin and sorrow. They reveal so much to us about His loving and merciful heart towards us as feeble children. How we should rejoice that Jesus is a gentle and tenderhearted Saviour! He is not like men who trample over the weak and faltering. He does not give up on us when our light fades and becomes dim. Instead, He gently holds us up and breathes His own life into us. He fans the smoldering embers of our love for Him, until they burn brightly once again. Would to God we could understand that no one cares for us like Jesus does! He is our gentle Shepherd. He is our healing balm. He is the Restorer of our souls. He is our Potter Who doesn’t throw the clay away. And when we discover Jesus in this way, we will always be quick to call upon Him and run to Him for all of our needs.