“Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”Hebrews 13:5 NKJV. The common attitude of fallen humanity is to desire more of this world than we have. It is to have an inordinate desire to get more. Most people believe that getting and having more will satisfy them and make them happy. And because of this, people weary themselves trying to get more, trying to obtain what others have. Or in many cases, trying to get more than them. But God speaks these words to us because He knows we can never be satisfied or happy with more of this world. He is letting us know as His children, that “you don’t need to hunger for more of this world, because you have Me, and I will be your Satisfying Portion!” And how wonderful it is to discover, that when we have Jesus, we have ALL that we need to be satisfied! In Him, we have the One Who is our All Sufficient Supply. As we walk with Jesus, we have His promise that every need we have will be supplied! By God’s grace, let us live so that others can see we have Jesus, and He is our Satisfying Portion.