
“For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul.” Jeremiah‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭KJV‬‬. We live in a world where people are running to all kinds of things searching for something to satisfy the emptiness in their souls. Along with that, life brings many sorrows our way, which causes people to seek comfort in things that only hurt them more. But what a joy it is when we discover that only God can satisfy and refresh our souls! Only He can refresh our spirits and give the strength and sense of purpose that we need. And only God can speak comfort to souls that are broken and sorrowful. When our physical bodies become tired we try to satisfy it’s need with sleep and rest. But we should realize that the real weariness of life is when the soul is unsatisfied. And it is sad, that most people wake up each day, still weary with life, because they do not have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ that satisfies their soul. But in a true personal relationship with Jesus we can experience what the songwriter said: ‘All this world, its wealth and honor, Cannot sate the human breast; But when filled with God, our Father, Every want is fully blest. My soul is satisfied, My soul is satisfied; I am complete in Jesus love, And my soul is satisfied.’

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