“Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did He in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places.” Psalm 135:6 KJV. In Christian theology this truth is expressed as the Sovereignty of God. It reminds us that because God is all powerful and all wise that He can do whatever pleases Him. There is no power able to resist Him. And if this were all that we knew about God, this could be a terrifying thought. But when we understand that God is also a loving and merciful Father, then it brings peace to our soul. When we realize that what pleases our Heavenly Father is always the things that are right and good for His creation and the souls that He loves. One of the reasons that Jesus came to this world was to reveal the Father! And as children of such a loving Father, we rejoice in His Sovereignty. So in all the times we cannot seem to understand His ways, let us be sure, that we can always trust His heart of love. And if we are uncertain of what our Father is like, let us look to Jesus! He said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father”. And the more we see of Who our Father is, the more this truth of His Sovereignty will bless and comfort our souls. Ultimately it means, that this is God’s world, and He is in control.