
“Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O LORD.” Psalm‬ ‭130:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬. We all go through times in our lives when we are down. As much as we enjoy the bright sunshine and the high places of spiritual victory, we still are mere mortals living in a fallen world. This doesn’t mean we have to fall into sin or fail God, but it means that physically, mentally or emotionally we reach a low place. Sorrow touches our lives and we can become cast down in spirit. We experience some loss and it takes us to a very low place. To the psalmist it felt like a deep pit. When we are in such a place it is easy to lose our perspective. Things begin to look dark and hopeless. But in these times what we desperately need to do is to cry out to our God! We need to remember that even in the depths of despair, He is with us. Even when we feel all alone, His presence is there. And when it seems there is no one else to look to, no one who can help or understand, may we be sure, that we have a Merciful Father Who listens for our feeble cry. He knows and understands what we are going through. And thank God, He alone has the power to lift us up, out of that deep pit we are in! And then, the light returns and our joy is restored.

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