“I have set the LORD always before me: Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”Psalm 16:8 KJV. For us to ‘set the Lord always before us’ means two specific things. First of all, it means that we keep Jesus Christ in a place where our focus is always upon Him. He is to be the One we are looking to and following. He is the One Who leads us, comforts us and protects us along life’s pathway. And we don’t just take an occasional glance at Him on Sunday morning, but we always keep our attention upon Him. Like the traveler following the star, we must always keep Jesus Christ before us, or we will go astray. But also, this means that we ‘set Him before us’ in regards to our choices and priorities in life. It means His will is more important than our will. It means what He desires is before our own desires. This is where so many go wrong in this watered down religious generation. They imagine that once they ‘believe’ in Jesus that everything is done. But the reality is, true belief starts us on a new path with a totally new priority in life. It is a choice to place Jesus Christ before me! And the wonderful thing is, when He is before us, we will be secure! When He is before us, we can sing ‘I shall not be, I shall not be moved’.