
“Great are Thy tender mercies, O LORD: Quicken me according to Thy judgments.” Psalm‬ ‭119:156‬ ‭KJV‬‬. The mercies of God to us are far greater than our minds can comprehend. Every day we should praise and thank God for His tender mercy to us. Far too often, we begin to imagine that we deserve good things. Our tendency is, to think that we are entitled to all of the blessings that God freely and mercifully bestows on us. And when our pride becomes lifted up like this, we are surprised or offended when our life is confronted by difficulties and suffering. But how different it is, when we understand that every good thing in our life is part of God’s great mercy to us! Every good and perfect gift we enjoy comes from the merciful hand of our gracious Lord, not because we are worthy but because He is good. May God help us to have a deeper appreciation for His ‘undeserved favor’ towards us. We should always be thankful that God does not give us what we deserve. But instead, He deals with us every day in His great grace and mercy.

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