“And the LORD said unto Moses, Is the LORD’s hand waxed short? thou shalt see now whether My word shall come to pass unto thee or not.” Numbers 11:23 KJV. When God told Moses that He would send them meat in the wilderness, enough to eat for a month, Moses struggled momentarily with doubt. To him, this was such an incredible thing that his mind could not conceive how it could happen. He wondered, “How could there be enough meat to feed over 2 million people for a month?” But as always, when men doubt God’s promises, Moses was looking at things only on a human level. So God asked him this question that we all should consider today. “Do you think the Lord’s power is too little to do this?” The real issue here is not in the greatness of God’s promise, but it’s in our faith in God’s divine power. Today, we have many great and precious promises in God’s Word. These promises pertain to every need we face in this life. But will we believe that God has the power to fulfill every promise? Will we be strong in faith, knowing that with God nothing is impossible? By God’s grace, let us be those who never doubt the mighty power of God and His great faithfulness. Let us be sure that our God is well able to meet every need. Because we know nothing is too hard for our God.