“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Proverbs 11:30 KJV. Everyone enjoys winning. Many people go to incredible lengths to win. Our secular world continually celebrates winners. In sports, academics, music, business, politics and even religion, people strive diligently to win some prize or recognition from others. But what in this world compares to winning a soul for Jesus Christ? What will it matter if we win every contest but we fail to win souls? The wisdom spoken of here is that which comes from God alone. It is the wisdom to recognize what is worth winning. All that people seek for in this world will mean nothing soon after it is won. Many great athletes have trashed their entire collection of trophies and medals because they finally realized what God’s Word says, “It all is vanity”. But when we realize how precious souls are, then we will seek to win them. Jesus told us that nothing in this world compares to the value of a soul. How can we claim to be His children when we value so many other things more than the souls He died for? One day, when the eternal rewards are given, it will not be the great names of this world who are the winners. It will be those who have had the wisdom to win souls for Jesus Christ.