“Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear Him, upon them that hope in His mercy; To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.” Psalm 33:18-19 KJV. Most of the time when people today think of “the fear of the Lord” it is in a very negative way. Most churches today refrain from talking about Godly fear because they don’t want to offend people. But here in these words we are reminded of some of the great blessings when we have a proper fear and reverence for God. To fear God as we should means that we also hope in His mercy. It means we understand, because of Who God is, we need His mercy and believe He offers it to all who will honor Him. But also, the fear of the Lord delivers our souls from spiritual death. It is in choosing to reverence God that we can truly see what He has done for us in His Son, Jesus Christ. It is only in Him we have life. And then, Godly fear will keep us alive in famine. Spiritually, this means while this apostate religious world is perishing because they have no fear of God, we will be kept alive because we reverence and respect the God Who is able to keep us. By His grace, let us be serious about living with a proper fear and reverence for our God. And then, these blessings will be ours.