“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.” Acts 16:25 KJV. Most of the time when we read this passage we think of the miracle of the earthquake God sent and how the prisoners were loosed from their prison cells. But think about what a miracle these two men are as they praise God in such terrible circumstances. They had been beaten and bruised, unjustly and cruelly treated, thrown into the damp, dark prison and chained up. It seems they had every reason humanly to hang their heads in discouragement. But instead, we find them at the very darkest time, praying and singing praises to God! That is a miracle that only God can work in the hearts of men. And thank God, He still does! All throughout church history, we find similar courageous examples. Men and women of great faith in God, who would not give in to self pity or despair. They had such a love for Christ that they counted it a privilege to suffer for His sake. May God help us today in this world of suffering and woe. With His Spirit in us, we can rise above the darkness and give praise to our God.