
“And whithersoever He entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought Him that they might touch if it were but the border of His garment: and as many as touched Him were made whole.” Mark‬ ‭6:56‬ ‭KJV‬‬. This was a common occurrence when people came to Jesus in faith. Many times in the Gospels we read that people came and were made whole. Most of the time, this was a physical healing, because they knew Him only as a Mighty Healer. But today, we have the privilege to know Jesus as so much more than just the Healer of the body. Now we know He is the Healer of the soul. Now we know He is our Great Saviour, Who came to save us from our sins! And what great and precious promises He has given us that He will do exactly what He came to do. When we touch Him in faith, He will deliver us from the worst plague of all, which is sin. May we not give in to the unbelief of modern religion, which tells people that you can touch Jesus in faith and yet remain in your sins. May God deliver us from the watered down Gospel of this modern religious age, that has no power to deliver and make whole. Thank God, it is still true: ‘as many as touch Jesus will be made whole’.

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