“…they received the Word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” Acts 17:11 KJV. What a wonderful thing it is when souls are truly humble and willing to receive God’s Word with an eagerness to respond. This means that we listen to what God is saying with a heart that is ready to obey. We are anxious to learn about God’s will because we are ready to walk in it. Far too often, people hear sermons and read scripture with no intention of changing or being changed by the power of God’s Word. They hear words but it doesn’t affect them because they are not ready to do what God says. But when we are eager to receive the Word, we will be searching the scriptures often to discover more of God! We will desire to learn more about Who He is, what He’s done, and what He calls us to. We certainly will not be searching to find out an easier way or to make excuses for sin and carnal living as many do today. May God help us to receive God’s Word with a heart and mind ready to please Him.