“And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the Word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.” Acts 20:32 KJV. As the apostle Paul is saying goodbye, he tells them that he is committing them to God’s care. But also, he says that he is committing them to the ‘Word of His grace’, which is the Gospel. We should know, that the same Gospel that had power to build up the early Church still has the power to build up our lives today. Thank God, the power of the Gospel message has not diminished nor changed in any way. Too often in this shallow religious age, the Gospel is presented as something that gives us a ticket to Heaven but doesn’t bring much change to our lives. The gospel of most churches is a powerless one that leaves people in their sins and has little of the life changing, heart transforming power of the pure Gospel. But let’s be clear, the true Gospel is still the power of God unto salvation! It still has power to turn sinners into saints. It has power to build up our lives so that we can live in victory over sin. It will empower us to overcome this ungodly world and all the forces of evil. It was this same Gospel that built up the early church into a mighty spiritual army that changed the world. By God’s grace, may we open our hearts to let the Gospel do that work in us.