“And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.” Mark 15:38 KJV. This is one of the miraculous things that immediately happened when Jesus breathed His last breath upon the cross. For all of those centuries that thick veil had hung in the temple in Jerusalem. It had separated sinful man from the Holy presence of God. Only once a year, the high priest could enter in, and that with the blood of animal sacrifice. But when Jesus died, He was to become our Great and Merciful High Priest, sitting at the Father’s right hand making intercession for us. No more would man need an earthly priest, or any human being, to be able to come to God. No more would we need to come through the blood of animal sacrifices. Now we all can come, through the shed blood of Jesus! And what a miraculous thing this was. It wasn’t a man, or men rending the veil from the bottom. No, it was God Himself doing it from above! God Himself was making a way for each of us to come to Him. Let us praise and thank our God, for making the Way for us to come to Him. And let us thank Jesus, our Blessed Lord and Saviour, for laying down His life and paying the price for our sins, so we could come to God through Him.