“Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people.” 1 Chronicles 16:8 KJV. Sometimes we think that the call to be witnesses for Christ is only a New Testament idea. Others imagine that it is only a call for those in spiritual leadership, like preachers. But these words of King David to Old Testament Israel remind us that God has always called His people to be His witnesses. He calls all of us to make His deeds known in this world. From Old Testament to New, we find this call of God and this great privilege, to be witnesses for the Living God. And may we understand, to be His witness means much more than simply telling someone about Jesus and what He did. The truth is, we are supposed to be living Godly, Christlike lives that actually make His deeds known to those around us. If we are true children of God, they should be able to see what God has done and is doing in our hearts and lives. They should know that we are not the same, sinful people we used to be. And this is where this church generation is miserably failing! We talk about what Christ has done for us, but we too often fail to show what HE IS DOING IN US. By His grace and power, let us make His deeds known. May our lives testify, that what He’s done IN US, He can do in them.