(Part 2) “I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: Refuge failed me; No man cared for my soul.” Psalm 142:4 KJV. As children of God, we should always be sure that someone cares for us. We have the wonderful invitation to “cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us” (1 Peter 5:7). But while we can rest secure in this knowledge, we should also realize that all around us are precious souls who think that no one cares for them. Our world has become a very wicked place where people are abused and cruelly treated. Many children grow up wondering if anyone cares. Multitudes of adults press on in a meaningless existence feeling that no one cares. So a big part of our responsibility as Christians is to show that we truly care for souls. It is by the care we show for others that they learn of God’s care for them. We can’t convince people or help them merely by telling them that God cares for them. For too long, church people have thought that saying the right words and presenting the Gospel message was all they needed to do. But the reality is, we must show people that we care! We must show them in word and deed. This means we must allow God to fill our souls with His love, so that His tender care can flow through our lives. By God’s grace, let us show a needy world that we care.