“not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;” 2 Corinthians 3:5 KJV. One of the goals of fleshy minded people is to reach a place in life where they do not need others. They desire to become self-sufficient. That attitude is entirely from man’s pride. It also causes people to think that they do not need God. But God’s Word makes it clear that we have absolutely no reason to feel sufficient in ourselves. Any person who feels self-sufficient has no idea of the things that they are up against. They are not aware of their own weakness and frailty. They do not realize that we all face spiritual adversaries that are far greater than we are in our own strength. But thank God, when we walk with Jesus, we have this blessed promise that our sufficiency is of God! This means that for everything we face, our Blessed Lord is well able to handle it. He is able to work in and through us so that we can be able to overcome our foes. How wonderful to know, that ‘greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!’ Let us be thankful that we have an All Sufficient Father in Heaven and we can rest in Him.