(Part 2) “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” John 12:24 KJV. In these words Jesus is explaining the true spiritual potential of a soul fully surrendered to God’s will. He likens this to a grain of wheat. If it never falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone. And soon it will decay without ever producing fruit. But if it becomes seed, willing to die, then it will produce much fruit. We know these words were spoken about His own sacrificial death on the cross and the tremendous spiritual harvest that came as a result. But do we also realize that these words apply to each of our lives? In the next verse this becomes clear, as Jesus warns us of trying to hold on to our physical life with all of its possibilities. If we do that, we will lose everything. But if we are willing to lay our life down in surrender to God, we gain eternal life and the joy of glorifying God in fulfilling the spiritual potential that He sees in us. We should understand that nothing we can obtain or achieve in this world will ever compare to what God can do through us. Let us follow Jesus in this path of humble submission to God and surrender all for His glory. And let us not try to judge, based upon anything we can see, what God is able do spiritually through us. He Who is mighty can still do great things through lives yielded to Him.