
“I lifted up mine eyes again, and looked, and behold a Man with a measuring line in His hand.” Zechariah‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬ ‭KJV‬‬. As the prophet Zechariah was receiving this vision, he sees a Man with a measuring line. There can be little doubt, as we read this prophecy, that the Man he saw in the vision was Jesus. He is the One Who measures and builds His church. He is the One Who is described in verse 5, as that ‘wall of fire round about and the glory in the midst of her”. And He is the only One Who knows the true potential of His church. While this prophecy was partially fulfilled in the physical restoration of Jerusalem, the far greater fulfillment has to do with the New Testament church. At the time of this vision, God’s people were ending their long captivity and unable to comprehend what God was going to do in restoring their city and homeland. Psychologically and spiritually, they were unable to measure accurately the possibilities before them. So through this vision, Jesus comes to show them what marvelous things God is going to do. Today, most of God’s people are in a similar condition. We have become so limited in our vision that we cannot comprehend the glory that is in store for the church. We try to measure with our limited minds and weak faith and we see nothing but disappointment. But thank God, we are not the ones who measures the coming glory of God’s church! By God’s grace, let us quit trying to measure and leave the measuring to the only One Who is able.

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