Category: Daily Devotional


“Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God Whom thou servest continually, He will deliver thee.” Daniel‬ ‭6:16‬ ‭KJV‬‬. What a remarkable statement this was from a heathen king! Evidently, he knew enough about Daniel’s life and his past experiences to understand that Daniel was a man of great faith in God. The outward testimony of Daniel’s life was so real and powerful that all those around him could recognize the kind of Godly man he was. And what is even more remarkable, is that Daniel developed this reputation while living in captivity in a heathen land. Rather than murmur and complain, his life had been one of extraordinary faithfulness to God and humble service to his fellow man. He had accepted that he was in that place because of the will of His Sovereign God. May God help us today to live so that kind of testimony will be ours as well. May those around us know that we continually serve the Living God Who is still faithful to deliver His children.


“Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime.” Daniel 6:10 KJV. Daniel is one of the most Godly and consistent of all the Old Testament characters. His steadiness through difficult situations is a great example to us. When the king’s law was put into effect making it illegal to pray to anyone but the king, Daniel just went about his normal routine. He didn’t join a protest or write some scathing article. He didn’t try to rally opposition to the law. And he didn’t start some new religious activities trying to prove anything, because he was already living in a close daily relationship with God. He simply continued his daily faithfulness to God because he knew everything was ultimately in God’s hands. May we realize from his example, there is a great peace and assurance that comes to our souls when we are truly walking with God. Then, we don’t have to overreact when troubles come our way. Then, we can have peace while the storm rages around us. By God’s grace, we can simply continue seeking God and leave everything in His hands.


“And therefore will the LORD wait, that He may be gracious unto you, and therefore will He be exalted, that He may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for Him.” Isaiah‬ ‭30‬:‭18‬ ‭KJV‬‬. The last part of this verse expresses a truth with which we should be familiar. That is: “…blessed are all they that wait for Him.” There are many passages that make this very clear. And certainly we should be content to wait because we don’t know the best time while God always does. But what a profound thought it is, to know that God also waits for us. This may be difficult to understand because when we wait it is most always because we have little choice or control. We usually wait because we have no ability to do anything else. But with God, we know He has all power to do whatever He wants whenever He desires. So why would He wait on us? The answer lies in His sovereign will and good pleasure. It pleases Him to bless His children and provide our needs, but His will is always to do it at the best time. When Jesus heard of Lazarus dying, His will was to raise him up. But for the glory of God and the good of souls He waited 4 days. When Israel went into Babylonian captivity, God’s purpose was always to deliver them. But He waited many years for the time to be right. By God’s grace, let us realize that in some things God is waiting on us to change or do what He has said before He will send the answer. God knows the right time.


“And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.” Isaiah‬ ‭25‬:‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬. The day mentioned here is when God will wipe away our tears and death will be swallowed up in victory. And what a day that will be! All of the waiting which we have endured here will finally be over and we will forever be rejoicing in His presence and His great salvation. Of course now, in this present world, waiting is not easy. Because we are naturally impatient, very seldom are we glad when we have to wait. So easily we become frustrated when we have to wait. But in that day, we will be glad that we patiently endured. We will be thankful that we waited for God to move and work in all the ways that we needed. And let us realize in this present world, that every time we need deliverance, every time we need to be rescued from some difficult situation, if we will wait on God we will be glad, because He will save us. Lam. 3:25 tells us, “The Lord is good to them that wait on Him…”. By God’s grace let us wait on the Lord with the full assurance, that we will experience His goodness and He will meet our needs. And we will be glad.


“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke‬ ‭12‬:‭32‬ ‭KJV‬‬. In this passage Jesus is telling the disciples that they need not worry nor be anxious about the necessary things of life. Because God is their Father in Heaven, He knows about their needs and He will supply. And in this verse He explains a very important truth about God: It is His good pleasure to give. This means that He takes great delight in giving. In at least 3 places the apostle Paul writes about ‘the good pleasure of His will’. This helps us to understand that it is God’s sovereign will which brings Him pleasure. And His will is to give and provide for His children. His will is to give to undeserving souls that which they need. This is why He gave His only begotten Son. This is why every good gift we receive comes from His bountiful hand. It is all because it is the good pleasure of His will. This is a truth which many of God’s children need to realign their thinking in regard to. Too often, we ask things of God with the attitude that it is difficult to get Him to give. As if He gives begrudgingly or is reluctant to give. But those attitudes are not Biblical nor true of God’s nature. The reality is, God loves to give! It is His good pleasure to give. His will is to bestow upon us all that we need and all that is good for us. May we be thankful that our Father delights in giving.


“…The earth is full of the goodness of the LORD.” Psalm‬ ‭33:5‬ ‭KJV‬‬. It is easy for us to look at the problems and troubles around us. Almost everywhere we look we can see the tragic effects of man’s sin. And if we are not careful, we can begin to think that everything is bad. Sadly, this negative and cynical attitude has affected many of God’s children which causes them to life with a gloom and doom attitude. But let us trust what God’s Word declares. Let us believe the goodness of God is evident all around us, if we are willing to see through the eyes of faith. Every day we can see God’s goodness in the created world around us. In so many ways that we don’t often recognize, God has showered us with His goodness and blessings. Look at the beauty of a flower. Gaze upon the majesty of the night sky. Look into the face of a newborn baby. Observe the transformed lives of God’s redeemed children. But most of all, look into God’s Word, where God’s goodness has been shown to us in sending His Son to be our Saviour. Because of Jesus, every soul has the opportunity to know God in personal relationship. The goodness of God in Christ is truly the greatest miracle this world has ever known. By faith, may we open our spiritual eyes to behold God’s goodness which is all around us everyday.


“For the LORD taketh pleasure in His people…” Psalm‬ ‭149‬:‭4 KJV. What an amazing thought this is, to realize that our Holy God can find pleasure in us. When we consider Who God is and who we are, we marvel to think that He can be pleased with such lowly creatures as we are. And yet, we read in Rev. 4:11, “…for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” So let us personally consider this great truth: ‘I have been created by God and am specially designed, so that I am able to please my Creator. As wretched and undeserving as I am, yet I have the capacity to bring pleasure to the great, loving heart of God.’ Of course, we cannot do this in our own human strength or ability. We are far too weak and defiled to please a Holy God through any merit of our own. But when, by faith, we are reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, He makes us a part of His family. And then, as one of His children, with His life within us, He enables us to live pleasing to Him. This should cause each of us to ask, “Who am I living to please?” Are we living to please ourselves? Are we trying to please our families or employers? The answer to this is important, because who we are living to please reveals the true condition of our heart. And even if we could please another human being, what will it matter ultimately? But when we realize our sacred duty and greatest privilege, to live for our Heavenly Father’s good pleasure, then life takes on a whole new meaning. By God’s grace, let us live so our Father can take pleasure in us.


“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬. In this verse God has given us a wonderful truth about the elimination of fear. And certainly, no one wants to live in fear. In fear there is torment. Fear makes life miserable. But God’s Word makes clear that for us to eliminate fear from our lives, we must have another spirit. This means that we must allow the Holy Spirit to work in us and have full control so that we are not overcome by fear. So for our fears to be eliminated we must have the spiritual courage that comes only from the presence of God’s Spirit within us. This is what assures us that the power of the living God is on our side. This is what reminds us that we are loved by God, and because He is our loving Father, He has promised to watch over us and keep us. And the Spirit opens our minds to understand these things and to think spiritually, which is having a sound mind. So let us thank God that He gives us His Holy Spirit to dwell within us. And when we open our hearts to be led by Him fear will not have dominion over us.


“Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee…”2 Timothy‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬. In writing these words to Timothy, Paul realized that laboring and ministering in this ungodly world has the tendency to quench the spiritual fire that burns in our soul. In every true Christian, God has placed the precious gift of salvation by His Son Jesus Christ. This gift truly is ‘unspeakable’ as Paul wrote in 2 Cor. 9:15. It is a gift that transforms our heart and life. It changes our eternal destiny. It makes us new creatures in Christ and puts a flame of holy desire in our soul. And we never can thank God enough for this gift! But we all must be careful, lest this gift be neglected and the flame burn low. We must guard ourselves against spiritual sloth and the many worldly influences that dull the reality of this great salvation. How we need to continually ‘stir up’ the gift God has given us. Like poking the embers of a fire this requires holy activity on our part. We must set aside time to seek God in prayer, in His Word and in personal worship and adoration. God promises that those who seek Him with all their hearts will find what their hungering souls need. By God’s grace, let us stir up the precious gift He has given us.


“For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus; Who gave Himself a ransom for all…” ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭2:5-6‬ ‭KJV‬‬. How often we take for granted this truth that Jesus Christ is our Mediator. But without this reality, no man would have any access to God. Without Him, our sins would forever prevent us from coming to God in any way. Without our Mediator we would be hopelessly lost. But thank God, Jesus came and in His perfect life and atoning death, He became the Man in the middle. Because He is both God and Man, He is able to touch both the absolute holiness of the Father and be touched by the sinfulness of our condition. He not only understands our desperate need, but He made the way for all of our needs to be met. He took our sins upon Himself. He died in our place. He made His soul an offering for our sins. In doing all of this, Jesus went lower than we could ever go so that He might be able to lift us up from that awful pit of sin and restore us to relationship with the Father! How we ought to praise Him, that we can bring all of our burdens to Him and He understands us. And in great mercy, He presents our case to the Father. He declares that by the price He has paid we all can have access to His Father, and we can know Him in personal relationship as our Heavenly Father. Let us praise God for our glorious Mediator.