“Now therefore, O LORD our God, I beseech thee, save Thou us out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that Thou art the LORD God, even Thou only.” 2 Kings 19:19 KJV. When king Hezekiah finally realized he could not handle this enemy on his own, he earnestly prays to God. And as his heart is humbled, his prayer reveals that he now has a better understanding of the entire situation. He realizes this isn’t simply about their freedom and prosperity as a people. Even more, this is about God’s glory. He recognizes that this enemy has spoken against God. So as he prays, we find his motive is “that the kingdoms of this world will know that You are God”. This is one of the most important issues for us to consider when we pray. What is our motive? Are we praying merely for personal ease or comfort, or are we asking for God’s glory in the situation? Are we asking so that those we care about can have things easier, or are we asking that God be glorified in their lives? One of the reasons God answered in such a tremendous way for Hezekiah then, is because he humbled himself to pray with a proper motive. May each of us, as we pray, ask so that God may be glorified in sending the answer we need.