“But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: and when they were awake, they saw His glory, and the two men that stood with Him.” Luke 9:32 KJV. As this great scene unfolded on the Mount of Transfiguration, it is amazing that the 3 disciples had fallen asleep. Many hours earlier they had begun this journey with Jesus excited that He had chosen them. And clearly, as we learn later from their own desires, they had many thoughts about personal greatness. They were thinking of the glory they would have as leaders in this great work Jesus was beginning. And with those thoughts of self glory they drifted off to sleep. But it says here, “when they were awake they saw HIS glory.” One of the important lessons they had to learn, and all believers must learn is: All the glory belongs to Jesus. Any time we began to focus on the glory of the creature, we will be incapable of beholding the glory of Christ. Over and over this has happened in church history where individuals and even whole denominations have focused more on the glory of man than the glory of Christ. Prominent religious leaders are glorified. Gifted individuals are constantly glorified. Many glorify their personal theology and doctrines. And of course, this entire world is wrapped up in the glory of the creature, rather than the Creator. But all of this causes people to fall into spiritual slumber. By God’s grace, let us awake from all such slumber so we truly can behold the glory of Jesus Christ.