“My soul melteth for heaviness: strengthen Thou me according unto Thy word.” Psalm 119:28 KJV. Many things in this world cause us to become heavy hearted. We can become weighed down by the burdens and cares of this life. But in God’s Word we find strength for the soul! David was not asking for the strength that this world can give. He knew that his soul needed something more. He knew that it was God’s Word that has the power to strengthen our souls so that we can hold up under the burdens of life and to stand against our spiritual enemy. May we realize today, how much we need God’s Word to strengthen us for the battles of life. In God’s Word we find strength to resist temptation and overcome evil. In the Word we find comfort and assurance for our weary souls. The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3:16, ‘Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly…”. May we open our hearts to the richness of this precious Word. May we open our eyes to God’s Word each and every day so it will become hidden in our hearts and minds. There is life giving power in the Word, IF we are willing to receive it as our daily bread.