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“And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?” Exodus‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭KJV‬‬. When God told Moses that he was to go and lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses was overwhelmed. 40 years earlier, he had been the proud young man, eager to to the job. Then, he had felt himself prepared and very capable, strong enough for the task. But God knew, with that attitude of pride and self-sufficiency he was not ready at all. But now, after 40 humbling years in the wilderness, shepherding sheep, he was finally the meek and humble man God could use. Now, he realizes he can do nothing on his own. Now he wonders why God would even look to one so unworthy as he is. This reminds us how very different things are in spiritual work. On a human level, we are taught to be self-sufficient, strong and independent. But when it comes to true spiritual work, the very opposite is what qualifies us for the work of God’s kingdom. We must realize that we are nothing and can do nothing in ourselves. We must consider ourselves unworthy of such a high calling as God places upon us. In reality, we must have the meek and lowly spirit of our Lord and Saviour, Who depended upon the Father in all things. Let us humbly confess the truth, “Without Him, we can do nothing”. And then, let us be thankful, that “With Christ, all things are possible!”


“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” John‬ ‭14:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬. Do we realize that Jesus is speaking these words because He wants us to have peace in our hearts in all situations of life? Because He loves us, He does not want us to be fretful and troubled about the things that go on around us. Certainly we are to be concerned and prayerful. But He wants us to have sweet peace and rest in our soul. And He is letting us know that there is no other way for us to have that peace except as we believe in God and we believe He is the Son of God Who came to be our Saviour. But to believe in the way He means is much more than modern ‘easy believism’. It is to believe in a way that changes our heart and life because we have placed our faith and trust in Him! It is not enough to merely believe in the existence of God. To have this peace we must believe He is my God and my Heavenly Father. We must believe Jesus is my Saviour and Lord. That means we have given up the right to direct our own steps, because He is now our Counselor and Guide in everything. It means we have turned our back on sin and by His grace have chosen the path of holiness and righteousness. What a joy it is, to believe He is my God and my Saviour!


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭KJV‬‬. On this day that we set aside as a Day of Thanksgiving, we should take time to reflect upon God’s goodness to us. We should think upon the things we should be thankful for. And certainly they are many! But what could we possibly be more thankful for than these beautiful words in this verse? To think that the God Who created us, the God Whom we turned our backs on, the God we sinned against, that He would love us SO MUCH, that He would give His only Son for us, and through Him, offer us eternal life. It is almost more than our finite minds can comprehend! I hope today each of us will make this very personal. That we would realize, God so loved me! God has set His love on me! That our hearts would overflow with thanks to God for His love that provided the unspeakable gift of His Son. And as we thank Him for His love, may our faith be strengthened, may our hearts be encouraged, that no matter what goes on in this world, I can rest in God’s love! I pray that each of you has a very blessed Thanksgiving Day.