
“Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is thy Keeper: The LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.” Psalm‬ ‭121:4-5‬ ‭KJV‬‬. What a great blessing it is to know that the Lord is our Keeper. So many times when we face the many challenges and battles of life we try in vain to keep ourselves. We put up all the resistance we can. We try to stand against the forces of evil that war against our souls. We try to resolve and determine not to be overcome. But in the end we always discover how weak we are. And we are humbly reminded that only the Lord can keep us. But what a difference it makes when we begin each day confessing to God, “Lord, only You can keep me today. Only You have the power to keep me clean and pure. Only You can defeat the enemies that come against me. So Father, I am trusting you today to do what I cannot do. To keep my soul abiding in You for Your glory. You are my Keeper“. Let us walk humbly and in peace because the Lord is our Keeper.

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