
“Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” Psalm‬ ‭107‬:‭21‬ ‭KJV. As the psalmist writes these verses he is showing a spiritual progression, which is repeated 4 times in this psalm. Verse 20 tells of their troubles and how they cry unto God. Next, he tells how God sends healing and deliverance. And the result is, they have a duty to give God praise for all of His goodness and the great things He does! This is one of the biggest areas of failure for most believers. We are quick to cry out to God when we are in need. Every day we are asking Him to help us and move in situations that are important to us. And how faithful God is to hear and answer prayer! How bountifully He pours out His blessings upon us. But then, we seldom follow through as scripture reminds us. We forget that God is deserving of our praise. We become so caught up in the next problem, that we lose sight of this truth, that GOD IS WORTHY OF AND DESIRES OUR PRAISE! May God help us to understand that we should give Him thanks and praise every day of our lives. He desires our praise because He knows we need to praise Him and it is good for our souls. It says to Him that we are grateful children and do not take for granted His goodness to us. “Oh that men would praise the Lord!”

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