
”But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.“ 1 Timothy‬ ‭6‬:‭11‬ ‭KJV‬‬. In these words the Apostle Paul is reminding Timothy of a very important spiritual principle. And that is: In order for us to change direction in life, we must have a definite, new direction. Too often people try to stop doing certain things. They make a decision to quit pursuing some activity that is damaging them. But then, without a new, positive direction, they soon fall into something else that is destructive. We should know that none of us will benefit by simply trying to stop something wrong in our lives. The only way true change can be made is when we run from the evil and run towards the good. That is why Paul wrote, “Flee these things and follow…”. Only as we follow the good can we overcome the evil. Only as we follow Christ can we escape the powers of evil that would bind our souls. The answer is not focusing on the wrong and how to overcome it. The answer is turning all our attention to Jesus Christ and following Him. This is another reason Jesus always called men to follow Him. Perhaps you are struggling with something in your life that you need to overcome? Dear one, the answer is in looking to Jesus! Choose to follow Him with all your heart and then, all the chains of the past will be broken.

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