
“But ye that did cleave unto the LORD your God are alive every one of you this day.”Deuteronomy‬ ‭4:4‬ ‭KJV‬‬. In this generation of shallow religion and easy-believism, it seems there are few who truly understand what it means to ‘cleave unto the Lord’. Too often salvation is presented as something you receive because you mentally agree to a few religious statements. And then, it is implied that it can’t be lost and your life can be lived basically as you desire. But true salvation is something far more radical than mere mental acceptance. It is experiencing a new spiritual birth and beginning a personal relationship where we cling to Jesus Christ. It is letting go of the sin and selfishness we used to cling to, and stepping into a new way of life where we hold more tightly to Jesus than anyone or anything. And there is only one reason that we cleave to anyone. That’s because we love them supremely. This attitude towards Christ is what proves we have His life dwelling in us. One day when this life is over these words will still ring true. Everyone who cleaves to Jesus will live eternally.

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