
“…in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.” Romans‬ ‭8:37‬ ‭KJV‬‬. There are many ‘things’ we go through in this life in which we do not feel like conquerors. But what we need to understand is that God does not measure victory like we do in this world. We tend to think that victory is standing on the mountain top after we’ve finally conquered it. We would like a victory where everything is under our feet and there is no more struggle. But to our Father in Heaven, the real victory is His love working in our hearts and lives that keeps us climbing the mountain even in those difficult times. And being a spiritual conqueror is never about our strength or determination. Rather it is about our willingness to yield our lives to Christ, and let His love in us conquer every foe that comes against us. So in all these ‘things’ we face, let us win the victory of steadfast love.

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