
“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto Thy name, O most High:” Psalms‬ ‭92:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬. We usually have the idea that giving thanks is only important to acknowledge the one who has done something to receive thanks. When someone blesses us, we thank them. When God showers us with His mercy and goodness, we thank Him. But what most people fail to realize is, that giving thanks is very important and beneficial for us, who are the ones doing it! It is spiritually and emotionally uplifting to give thanks to God! Truly giving thanks is a humble acknowledgment that we did not deserve this blessing. It is a reflection of our attitude both about ourselves and the One Who we are thanking. God’s Word speaks so strongly about this subject that it equates being unthankful with being unholy! Which tells us, that one of the most overlooked qualities of a holy life is, a heart full of thanksgiving to God. Let us determine, no matter what comes our way, we are going to be thankful to God. Let us have the attitude, that in every situation, we can find something for which to thank God. As we do, we will be greatly blessed.

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