
“The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms…” Deuteronomy‬ ‭33:27‬ ‭KJV‬‬. In this world we try to find security in many things. We imagine that we can become secure with enough money, or good health, or being a part of some stable organization. And in these things is where most people try to find refuge. It is the place the feel secure. And yet, the reality is, all that is of this world is in decay and growing weaker. But what a blessing for God’s children to know, that our Refuge is the Eternal, Unchanging God! Many businesses advertise about being a ‘safety net’. As if they are able to catch us when we fall? As if they can maintain their strength without ever weakening? All while we know everything here is going to perish. But as children of God we have the everlasting, unfailing arms of our Father beneath us! Oh may we take courage in these uncertain days! May we rest in these promises of Who our God is! He is our Eternal Unchanging Father Who endures forever. And we can always find refuge in Him.

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