
“And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger…” Luke‬ ‭2:7‬ ‭KJV‬. Do we ever take time to consider Who it was that was laid in that animal feeding trough, called a manger? Do we ever consider what it means to say “Jesus condescended and came into this world”? This was the One Who stepped down from His eternal throne of glory to be laid in a manger. This was the One Who was clothed with glory, now come to be wrapped up in rags. Paul writes in Phil. 2:7 “He made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant…”. This same Jesus, Who was the Light of Glory, chose to lay aside His exalted place in Heaven, to come here to live in poverty and for 30 years in obscurity. We read stories of missionaries selling themselves into slavery, giving up all, just to be able to get the Gospel to the slaves they were trying to minister to. But Jesus is God of very God! And He didn’t just step down to become one of us. The truth is, He went beneath us. He took all our sins upon Him and took the wrath of God against our sins! And He did all this, so He could lift us up, and restore us to our Heavenly Father. Let us thank and praise Him, that He was willing to step down for us.

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