
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation (pressure): but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John‬ ‭16:33‬. One of the things many believers are surprised to discover is, that true Christian life does not mean things becomes easy. In fact the more that we seek to follow Christ, the more we realize that we are going contrary to this world. It is much like a man in a river. As long as we are moving with the flow of the current, things seem pretty easy. But when we turn to go the opposite direction, we quickly discover that the pressure of the water is still trying to take us downstream. This sense of pressure is part of what the word ‘tribulation’ means in this verse. True repentance is not easy because it brings us into conflict with this fallen world and it’s sinful ways. But there is good news also! Because when we make that change there comes a new Power into our spirit. The old person we were was being swept along to destruction because we had no power to do otherwise. But now, having placed our faith in Jesus Christ, the power of His own life has come into our hearts and lives! This is what’s so important about Jesus’ final words in this verse. It’s not simply His testimony of what He did. Rather, it is the victory that also becomes possible to us now, because His overcoming life and power dwells in us!

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