
“When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said, It is finished…” John‬ ‭19:30‬ ‭KJV‬‬. In the original Greek this brief phrase was only a single word. It was the word used when a runner completed a race or a debt was fully paid. In one sense, when we think of what Jesus did in His life and atoning death, it is a word that defies all human understanding. No other human being could say it with truthfulness as Jesus did. Every single thing He came to do, He did. Every purpose for His coming and dying, He accomplished. He had drunk the last drop of that bitter cup. He had trod the winepress of God’s wrath against sin, all alone. He had made His soul an offering for our sin. And yet, this was a word of ultimate triumph! This was His dying song of victory! This was Jesus completely fulfilling the Father’s will in every detail. This was Him taking all that was against us and nailing it to His cross! This was our salvation being bought and paid for! Hallelujah!! Would to God we could accept it as done. In all those times the devil tries to take us back to our past sins and failures, we need to remind him of what Jesus said, “It is finished!” In those times we are in the battle and we wonder about the outcome, let us remember Jesus’ words, “It is finished! The battle is over and the victory is won!”

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