
“Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.” Psalm 55:22. What a great privilege is ours to be able to bring our burdens to Jesus, our merciful High Priest. He is our great Burden Bearer. He is the One Who invites us to ‘Cast all your cares on Me because I care for you’. And may we be humble enough to recognize, that we need to cast our burdens on Him. The burdens of this life can become so heavy at times that we feel them weighing us down to the point we don’t know how to go on. They will squeeze the peace and joy out of us. But our Lord calls us to bring our burdens to Him because He knows we were not designed to carry them alone. He Who created us knows that only He can bear the load of sin and sorrow. Only He can handle the pressures of this life. Only He can sustain our weary souls! And thank God, He will for every soul who comes in faith to Him. Today, as we come to our Burden Bearer, let us know that no one ever cared like Jesus, and be willing to let go and let Him bear our burdens. He will lighten our load.

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