
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: But the LORD delivereth him out of them all.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭34:19‬ ‭KJV‬‬. When people do not know God’s Word, and they rely only on man’s word, they are usually surprised to discover that the Christian life is difficult. In most places today, the Gospel is presented in the opposite way. It is often held out as a ‘cure all’ for the problems of human life. But when we get in to God’s Word and become serious about living for God, then we will discover that afflictions, difficulties and persecution are all normal to the true child of God. As a soldier going into battle, struggle is something we should expect and prepare for. That is because we are going contrary to this fallen world. There are forces of evil that war against our soul. But the good news is, we are promised deliverance from all of those things! God never said we would not have battles, but He does promise victory in the conflict! He never said that life would be easy or free of suffering, but He did say that one day it will all be over, and complete deliverance will be ours. We should thank God, that through Jesus Christ, we have the promise of full and complete deliverance.

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