
“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John‬ ‭8:12‬ ‭KJV‬‬. When Jesus calls us to follow Him, He means for that experience to be much more than simply a trip to Heaven. When we truly follow Him, we are following the One Who is the True Light. He is the One Whom darkness flees from. So for a person to follow Jesus means that they will not walk in spiritual darkness. And yet, as clear as this is, religion today has not only made it acceptable to walk in darkness, but actually says that Christians walk in the darkness of sin. What a tragedy it is that religion has tried to reduce the Light of Christ to where it cannot keep us from darkness! But the truth is, all that truly follow Christ walk in His Light. We don’t have to walk in sin’s darkness anymore! We don’t have to walk in the darkness of defeat, discouragement and despair! Thank God, there is such glorious Light radiating from Jesus, that for all who follow Him, it will dispel the darkness in our hearts and lives. So if we find ourselves walking in darkness, we should be honest enough to ask, “Who or what am I following?” By God’s grace, let us follow Jesus the Only True Light.

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