
“When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then Thou knewest my path…” Psalm‬ ‭142:3‬ ‭KJV‬‬. Every child of God understands what it is to feel overwhelmed in our spirit. Sometimes we get worn down by the burdens of life. We can become weary in well doing. We suffer losses and our hearts grieve. It seems troubles increase on every side. But thank God we have a Merciful High Priest, Jesus, Who knows exactly what we are going through and how to meet our needs! When we read these words “Thou knewest my path” it reminds us of Hebrews 4:15, that in Jesus we have a compassionate High Priest Who is touched by the difficult things we go through in this life. He knows all about this path we are on. He has walked the path of suffering and persecution. He has trod the path of sorrow and grief. He was rejected by His own and had no one in this world who could understand His grief. But in all things He had the Father. May we remember, even when we are overwhelmed, we always have Jesus. Let us run to Him, He is our great Burden Bearer and our Refuge.

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