
“He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?” Matthew‬ ‭16:15‬ ‭KJV‬‬. In this passage Jesus had asked the disciples “Who do other people say I am?”. And of course, people had different opinions of Jesus much like today. But the real question is for us as professed followers of Christ. Who do we say that He is? The easy answer is simply to repeat, verbally, what Peter said. And then, religion will provide us with additional words to say, because most religious people assume this is only about our verbal confession. But the bigger answer is being provided every day by the life we live. What does our life say about Jesus? May we realize that as we live each day our life is making a statement about Who Jesus is to us! Are we living devoted and consecrated lives that declare He truly is our All Sufficient Saviour and we honor Him as the Lord of our lives? Can people see by the values we have and the priorities we set that we honor Jesus as the Son of the Living God? Or do others see us defeated by sin, overcome by the world and realize that our life is declaring we don’t truly believe in Who Jesus is? Paul wrote that we are to be ‘living epistles’ which means our life is a book that people can read. By God’s grace, let us live so that we are giving the correct answer about Who Jesus is.

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