
“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and up on this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew‬ ‭16:18‬ ‭KJV. Many people mistakenly think that Jesus was telling Peter that he would be the rock upon which the church would be built. But the reality is, Jesus was referring to the declaration Peter had just made, that ‘Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God’. That truth is the Rock, the Foundation of the New Testament Church! That truth is what we anchor our souls on and put our faith in. And thank God, He did build His church. He built a church that will never be defeated by the forces of darkness. His church is still going forth conquering and to conquer! So we must not mistake what we see in most of modern religion for His church. We must realize that only the redeemed, those walking in daily relationship with and following Jesus, are a part of that triumphant church that Jesus built. And the security of the church is because Christ Himself established it, He sustains it, He protects it and He is the Head of it. If it was built or organized by men, it would not stand. So in these uncertain days we live in, let us rejoice that we can be a part of His triumphant church.

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