
“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James‬ ‭1:8‬ ‭KJV‬‬. In the previous verses the writer is talking about asking God for wisdom and how God is faithful to answer our prayers. But how can a person truly seek God’s divine wisdom if he is double minded? That means that in some ways he is trying to be religious and seek the wisdom of God. But in others ways he is still leaning on his own understanding and the wisdom of this world. We should realize that most religious people today are in this category. They imagine that their life is divided into two parts. The religious, which includes church and spiritual things, and then their secular life, which is most everything else. They want God to lead them when it comes to things they consider ‘spiritual’. But then for the bigger part of their lives they are content to do what they want and follow the counsel and ways of this ungodly world. But this attitude produces the kind of instability that we see in religion today. People are trying to live with one foot in the world and another foot in the church. And it is not working. It has produced a miserable and weak people with no real spiritual stability. May God help us to have the attitude of the Psalmist, who said “My heart is fixed O God”. May our heart and mind be fixed solely on pleasing God in all things.

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