
“And the Light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended It not.” John‬ ‭1:5‬ ‭KJV‬‬. This verse speaks of the Light of Christ shining into a sin darkened world. In this world the powers of evil and darkness rule in most lives. The word translated ‘comprehend’ does not mean mere intellectual understanding. It means that the darkness cannot get around it to control or quench the Light. It means this Light of Christ cannot and will not ever be overcome by the powers of spiritual darkness. From a human perspective, it would seem that one source of light could never be enough to prevail over so much the darkness. But thank God, this is not talking about natural things. This is the Light of Christ, Who is the Light of the world. This is the Light of the crucified and risen Saviour. This Light that started out as dwelling only in one Man, now dwells in millions of hearts and lives all around the world. All of the efforts of hell to quench this Light have failed and they will always fail! And that is because Jesus Christ cannot fail. His blessed Light cannot ever be extinguished.  By God’s grace. let us open our hearts to the True Light.

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