
“the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:” 2 Peter‬ ‭2:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬. One of the blessed things about true Christian life is that it can be lived even in the worst possible circumstances. As the Apostle Peter is writing here, he tells of Noah who lived in a very wicked generation, one ultimately destroyed by the flood. And yet God kept him faithful there, even when everyone around him was going the wrong way. He mentions Lot, who again was kept by the power of God while he lived in Sodom, which also was destroyed because of their wickedness. Today as we live in a world that is becoming increasingly hostile towards true Christianity, we should remember that God still knows how to keep those who love and fear Him. These are the godly ones who will be kept by the power of God. And we should note, the godly do not needlessly or purposefully expose themselves to temptation. Many times God guides us in order to keep us from the temptations. But in those times when we are tried and tested by the difficulties of this life, we can rest secure, our God still watches over and protects His own. And for those who reject Him, we need not worry that anyone is going to avoid what is coming to them. The wicked may seem to prosper here and now, but their day of reckoning is coming.

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