
“Great peace have they which love Thy law: And nothing shall offend them.” Psalm‬ ‭119:165‬ ‭KJV‬‬. When the person or object of our love is weak or unsteady, it causes our hearts to be troubled. We worry that which we love will be taken from us. And with all things human these are very real concerns, because there is nothing permanent about this world or the people in it. But when our love is for God’s Word we can have great peace because we know it is forever settled in Heaven. It is unchanging, unshakable and will endure eternally! This is what happens when a person truly loves God. They fall in love with His Word. They love to hear His voice speaking to them through the Word. We find great peace because the God Whom we love has spoken to us all that we need to know. Because He is Unfailing we know that every Word He spoke is unfailing. This kind of security is what brings us great peace. We know that because God said it, it is settled! Men and devils may try to change, twist and manipulate it, but God’s Word is eternal. Let us put our faith in Jesus Christ Who is the Incarnate Word. Let us love Him Who is our peace. As we do, we will have great peace no matter what comes against us.

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