Author: admin


“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians‬ ‭3:1-2‬ ‭KJV. These words remind us not only Who and what we should be seeking, but also how we are to do it. We will never truly be able to seek those things above until there a has been a change in our desires. As long as our affections are towards earthly things, then we will always seek those ‬‬first. It is much like a young man seeking only one woman to be his bride. He seeks her alone, because his affections are towards her. He will, of necessity, lose interest in other women, because his heart is set on this one. He seeks her because he loves her. That is what Jesus wants our attitude towards Him to be! He wants us to seek Him first, above all others, because we love Him supremely. And part of the miracle of real salvation is, that God brings such a change in our desires, that we want to seek Him with all of our heart!


“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew‬ ‭6:33‬ ‭KJV‬‬. In this passage, Jesus is addressing the many concerns people have about the material needs of life. Things like food, shelter, and clothing. These things are very real, because they are necessary to our human existence. But then He reminds us, that the needs of the soul are far more important than the body. So we should seek first what our soul needs. And then He gives this great promise! He tells us that as we SEEK FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness, then these other things will be provided for us! This is how all of God’s children are called to live! Our number one priority should always be to seek God and the things pertaining to our soul. And when we refuse to do this, it is in His mercy to us, that He allows difficult things, to wake us up and bring our attention back to Him. So we must ask ourselves, “What am I seeking first?” And then, be prepared to change whatever is necessary, so we can seek Jesus Christ first.


“Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face continually.” ‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭16:11‬ ‭KJV‬‬. Many people are seeking strength in different areas. Some train to be physically strong. Others study to be strong academically. Many seek to be financially strong. But in all of this seeking, we fail to realize, this is not the most important kind of strength! What we need most is the strength of the Lord! We need His divine strength in our hearts and souls. We need strength that is sufficient for everything we will ever face in this world! And that kind of spiritual strength only comes as we seek God Himself! A man may seek to be strong in his body, but it will only last a few years. We may become financially strong, and lose it all in a few moments. But when we are seeking the strength of the Lord, we can continue to increase all throughout our lives. Let us determine to seek the Lord and His strength. Only then will we be prepared for the days ahead, and for eternity.


“…let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.” 1 Chronicles‬ ‭16:10‬ ‭KJV‬‬. People usually find temporary happiness when they obtain what they have been seeking. When a young person seeks for academic success, and good grades and recognition come, they are happy for a moment. If a man seeks for riches, he will be glad for a moment, when material prosperity comes to him. But the problem is, the happiness that comes from the things in this world only lasts a moment. But God’s Word tells us when we seek the Lord, we can rejoice! We can have real joy which is so much more than temporary happiness. When we seek the One Who is eternal, we can find eternal joy! So we need to consider, what are we seeking? Are we seeking for things that cannot satisfy, or are we seeking the One Who is able to completely satisfy our heart and soul? And the promise of God’s Word is, if we seek the Lord with our whole heart, we will find Him Who our soul longs for.


“And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the Lord God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee…” 1 Chronicles‬ ‭28:20‬ ‭KJV. These words were spoken by David as his son Solomon was preparing to build the Temple of God. Today, as God’s children, we have a greater task before us. We are called to build God’s kingdom in this world. We are called to be soul winners. We are called to be children of light, in the midst of a sin darkened world, so others can see our good works and glorify our God.‬‬ And yet, we have this great promise also! We have the assurance that our God will be with us! He will never fail us nor forsake us! So we can be of good courage. We can rise above the fear and discouragement that is all around us. Because God is with us, we can do what God has called us to do! So let us be about our Father’s business. Let us live every moment for His glory. And let us go forth with joy, because our ever faithful, unfailing Father is always with us.


“Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast…” Hebrews‬ ‭6:19‬ ‭KJV‬‬. There are 2 basic reasons that a vessel needs an anchor. First there is wind and secondly there is current. When strong winds come you need a good anchor. And the stronger the wind the more secure you need that anchor to be. Likewise, when the current is pulling you away from where you want to be, you must have a good anchor. In this Christian life there are many opposing forces that war against our soul. The ‘winds’ of doubt and despair, the hopelessness of outward appearances, all blow against us trying to move us away from our faith and devotion to Jesus Christ. The current, or drift of this evil world is every moment trying to push us along with them, further away from God. But thank God, this blessed hope that we have in Jesus is that strong anchor we need to hold us in place! It is what secures us when the winds of opposition blow against us. It is what holds us from the drift of this evil world. A strong hope is what God’s people desperately need in these days, when so many forces are trying to move us away from where God wants us to be. By God’s grace, let us keep our hope in Him. Let us stand upon His promises and hope to the end!


“Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is HE who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. HE brings the princes to nothing; HE makes the judges of the earth useless.” Isaiah‬ ‭40:21-23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬. These words of the prophet remind us Who truly is in control of this world. It is not the presidents or national leaders. It’s not the citizens or voters. It is not the rich and powerful. It is God Himself Who rules over this world! So easily we get caught up in current events and we forget Who it was that made this world. Who it is that sustains this world. Who this world belongs to. Who it is that has determined the fate of this world. As children of God we should take comfort in the words of Scripture, and remember these words of the song. ‘This is my Father’s world’.


“Now to Him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ…” Romans‬ ‭16:25‬ ‭KJV‬‬. There are many believers today who do not know the power of God that is available to work in their hearts and lives. Too often people listen to what religion tells them and do not find out in God’s Word what He can and will do for them. We hear often about man’s sad condition, about our sinfulness and weakness, and the wickedness of this fallen world. which are all true. But then, are we also learning about God’s power that is far greater than any of these things that are against us? While we acknowledge that we are weak, do we then reckon upon the Mighty Power of God that is greater than our weakness? Let us believe today, that our God is well able to do what He promises, in spite of our weakness. He has the power to establish our lives in the path of holiness!


“The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty…” Zephaniah‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭KJV. Too many times when we read the promises of God, we tend to measure them by what we believe man can do rather than what God says He will do. We read of God promising great things in this world, and we think about what the modern church is capable of. We read of what He promises to do for us and in our lives, and we think of how weak we are. But will we believe, that our God is still the Mighty God?‬‬ Will we trust, that what He says, He has the power to be able to do? We tell others and sing songs about His great power and might, based on what He did in days gone by. But will we believe, that He is, ‘Just the same today’? If some person tells you of incredible things they are planning, well may you doubt, because men are weak and limited. But when God tells us what He is going to do, may we have the faith in Him to know, ‘God said it, and that settles it’!


“Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the Lord will do great things.” Joel‬ ‭2:21‬ ‭KJV‬‬. The prophet Joel ministered in a time when the enemy had done great things against Israel, because they had turned their backs on God. But now, God has revealed to him that the situation is about to change! Now the Lord Himself will do great things! And we should know, when God works there is no power of hell or earth that can stop Him. May we realize in this day, when the enemies of God’s people are doing so many evil things against us, that our God is not finished yet! That He is still going to do great things! May we have this blessed hope, that what God has begun in this world, He is going to finish for His glory and the good of His people! And may we believe, that He can still do great things in our lives. There is nothing too hard for God.