
“Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God…” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭15‬:‭34‬ ‭KJV‬‬. When the Apostle wrote these words to the church at Corinth he was concerned over the effect false teachings were having on them. These ‘doctrines of men’ were causing them to become spiritually insensitive. That is what happens when we go to sleep. So he gives this urgent command to “Wake up! Don’t be lulled to sleep by the lies of religious men.” Today, the false doctrines of men have caused many to fall asleep spiritually. They no longer are sensitive to their needs or their walk with God. So once again this call is desperately needed from every pulpit, to ‘wake up’ the sleeping church. And the call is very clear, to ‘awake to righteousness’. This means right conduct and right living. It means striving to live a holy, Christlike life. And as we wake up to see our personal need of righteous living, then we will wake up to the beauty of righteousness. Only when a soul is awake spiritually can they see how beautiful a righteous life is. This is what caused the psalmist to write about worshipping God in the beauty of holiness. What is beautiful is desirable. May God help us to wake up to a personal experience of Christ’s righteousness in our hearts and lives. Then we will see it’s beauty and demonstrate that beauty to others.

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