
“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou wilt revive me: Thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and Thy right hand shall save me.” Psalm‬ ‭138:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬. Every child of God is walking in the midst of this troubled world. Sin and wickedness are abounding all around us. Moral and spiritual darkness has crept in to most of the professing church. And yet, we still have this promise of God, that even as we walk through this troubled world, He will revive our weary souls! That means He will refresh our spirits, endue us with His own life and power and give us the spiritual stamina to endure all of satan’s attacks. And thank God, we are not left to fight the enemy on our own! Our mighty God will deal with our enemies. His strong hand will save us and keep us. There is nothing that will ever come against us, that is greater than Christ in us. Let’s not make the excuse that things are too bad around us. Instead, let us believe that there is nothing too hard for our God! He has proven time after time that He can turn the worst of situations into the greatest victories. And as we rest on this truth, let us prayerfully seek Him for the spiritual revival He wants to send in us.

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